Sunday, April 27, 2014

Renaissance to Reformation Test Review

Daily Objectives

  • Journal (click here for journal)
  • Test Review - see below!
  • Exam: Tuesday for Hours 1, 2, 3 OR Wednesday for Hours 4, 5, 6 (We're still on block)
  • HONORS: Renaissance Man essay due today!
  • NOTEBOOK CHECK: Tuesday with exam or Wednesday with exam.

The renaissance TO REFORMATION

Changes in farming and towns
1.       Explain the three-field system. How did farming change?
 Name three other advances in farming. Hint: plant, animal, tools
3.       Why did people move to towns? Why did surnames develop?
4.       A ________________ was a group of skilled craftsmen who did the same job. List the steps in becoming a master guildsman.
5.       ____________________________ was a guild of learners who took the place of monasteries. There were (and are) three types of degrees. What are they?
6.    Jews were persecuted and had to live in ________________. They were not allowed to join _____________ and were disliked because___________________________________. This hatred was called ______________________________.

The Rebirth of learning
1.       Renaissance means ______________________ and was during the years __________________.
2.       How did European society change with the Renaissance?
3.       What allowed classical learning to spread through Europe?
4.       Secular means _____________________________________.
5.       Human is the idea that a good ________________________________ can allow humans to _________________________ anything.
6.    Where did the Renaissance start?

The medici and Florence
1.       The Medici family were like the _______________________ of the Renaissance. They were _____________ and ___________________ who had money to spend on art and architecture.
2.       Name one famous Medici who was involved in the Renaissance (we talked about two).
3.       The Medici were a good example of a _____________________ or  someone who paid for or supported artists.
4.       The Medici lived in the city of ______________________________ where a lot of Renaissance “Greats” lived.
5.       This Medici was friends with Michelangelo and so famous he was known as “Magnificent.”

Arty party
1.       Renaissance art was inspired by _________________________. It was ________________, used ____________________________, and developed new techniques.
2.       Name and define 3 or more techniques that developed in Renaissance art.
3.       Renaissance art was also called ___________________________ because it was really similar to Greek or Roman art. However, it also had ________________________ influences such as clothing and religious figures.
4.       Describe the differences between classical, medieval, and Renaissance art. (Hint: art foldable)
5.       Who were the four ninja turtles or “Greats” of the Renaissance? Name one reason why they were Great. Name one famous work of art for each. (Hint: artists foldable)

ArÉte: Becoming a renaissance person
1.      Describe a Renaissance person.
2.      What is Arete? How is it important to what you are doing in school today?
3.      ______________________________________ was the original name for Renaissance man.
4.      Who was the Renaissance man of the… well, Renaissance? Why?

Gutenberg & renaissance writers
1.       Gutenberg invented the _________________________________ in the year _________. Without it, we would not have had the _________________________ or the ____________________________.
2.       What is vernacular? Why is it so important?
3.       Who was Petrarch? What did he write? He was from ___________________.
4.       Petrarch also is known as the father of ____________________________ because he spread classical texts. He also helped create the ______________________ _____________________.
5.       Who was Dante? What did he write? He was from __________________.
6.       Who was Chaucer? What did he write? He was from ________________.
7.       Who was Machiavelli? What did he write? He was from _________________.
8.       Who was Cervantes? What did he write? He was from ____________________.

Martin Luther and protestant reformation
1.       Martin Luther was a ______________________ who was upset at the Catholic Church for its __________________________ or greedy actions. His ideas spread through the __________________ and people started forming other Protestant ______________________.
2.       Who was a Protestant? Did they answer to the Pope?
3.       Reformation means to ____________ or ____________________ Christianity.
4.       John Wycliffe was known as the ______________________________________________ because he was one of the earliest reformers. He thought the pope should _____________________ and also translated the Bible into _____________________________.
5.       ________________________ was from the Czech Republic and was against _________________________ and the _______________________. He was kidnapped and ___________________________________________.
6.       What were Luther’s main beliefs about the problems in the church? He wrote these complaints down in his _________________________. What did he do with them?
7.       Luther found a bible in ____________________________ and later translated it into ____________________.
8.       Why did Henry the VIII form the Church of England?
9.       Define Predestination.
10.   Who were the Anabaptists?

NOTEBOOK RUBRIC: (Total 75 points)

Formatting (Titles, ToC, Page # all updated)
Journals: at least 7 with complete 2-3 sentence entries per journal
Right Sides Completed with notes
Left Sides completed as assigned

Changes in Farming and Towns (no left sides)
Rebirth of Learning (LS: Flower Graph)
Medici and Florence (Guild Sign Rubric)
Arty Party (2 LS: Types of Art and Renaissance artist Greats -WORTH DOUBLE)
Arete: Becoming a Renaissance Person (LS: List of Renaissance Person Traits -4th and 5th ONLY)
Gutenberg and Writers (LS: Modern Vernacular activity - note: 2nd hour waived)
Luther and the Protestants (LS: Protestant Reformation Graphic)

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