Sunday, April 27, 2014

Renaissance to Reformation Test Review

Daily Objectives

  • Journal (click here for journal)
  • Test Review - see below!
  • Exam: Tuesday for Hours 1, 2, 3 OR Wednesday for Hours 4, 5, 6 (We're still on block)
  • HONORS: Renaissance Man essay due today!
  • NOTEBOOK CHECK: Tuesday with exam or Wednesday with exam.

The renaissance TO REFORMATION

Changes in farming and towns
1.       Explain the three-field system. How did farming change?
 Name three other advances in farming. Hint: plant, animal, tools
3.       Why did people move to towns? Why did surnames develop?
4.       A ________________ was a group of skilled craftsmen who did the same job. List the steps in becoming a master guildsman.
5.       ____________________________ was a guild of learners who took the place of monasteries. There were (and are) three types of degrees. What are they?
6.    Jews were persecuted and had to live in ________________. They were not allowed to join _____________ and were disliked because___________________________________. This hatred was called ______________________________.

The Rebirth of learning
1.       Renaissance means ______________________ and was during the years __________________.
2.       How did European society change with the Renaissance?
3.       What allowed classical learning to spread through Europe?
4.       Secular means _____________________________________.
5.       Human is the idea that a good ________________________________ can allow humans to _________________________ anything.
6.    Where did the Renaissance start?

The medici and Florence
1.       The Medici family were like the _______________________ of the Renaissance. They were _____________ and ___________________ who had money to spend on art and architecture.
2.       Name one famous Medici who was involved in the Renaissance (we talked about two).
3.       The Medici were a good example of a _____________________ or  someone who paid for or supported artists.
4.       The Medici lived in the city of ______________________________ where a lot of Renaissance “Greats” lived.
5.       This Medici was friends with Michelangelo and so famous he was known as “Magnificent.”

Arty party
1.       Renaissance art was inspired by _________________________. It was ________________, used ____________________________, and developed new techniques.
2.       Name and define 3 or more techniques that developed in Renaissance art.
3.       Renaissance art was also called ___________________________ because it was really similar to Greek or Roman art. However, it also had ________________________ influences such as clothing and religious figures.
4.       Describe the differences between classical, medieval, and Renaissance art. (Hint: art foldable)
5.       Who were the four ninja turtles or “Greats” of the Renaissance? Name one reason why they were Great. Name one famous work of art for each. (Hint: artists foldable)

ArÉte: Becoming a renaissance person
1.      Describe a Renaissance person.
2.      What is Arete? How is it important to what you are doing in school today?
3.      ______________________________________ was the original name for Renaissance man.
4.      Who was the Renaissance man of the… well, Renaissance? Why?

Gutenberg & renaissance writers
1.       Gutenberg invented the _________________________________ in the year _________. Without it, we would not have had the _________________________ or the ____________________________.
2.       What is vernacular? Why is it so important?
3.       Who was Petrarch? What did he write? He was from ___________________.
4.       Petrarch also is known as the father of ____________________________ because he spread classical texts. He also helped create the ______________________ _____________________.
5.       Who was Dante? What did he write? He was from __________________.
6.       Who was Chaucer? What did he write? He was from ________________.
7.       Who was Machiavelli? What did he write? He was from _________________.
8.       Who was Cervantes? What did he write? He was from ____________________.

Martin Luther and protestant reformation
1.       Martin Luther was a ______________________ who was upset at the Catholic Church for its __________________________ or greedy actions. His ideas spread through the __________________ and people started forming other Protestant ______________________.
2.       Who was a Protestant? Did they answer to the Pope?
3.       Reformation means to ____________ or ____________________ Christianity.
4.       John Wycliffe was known as the ______________________________________________ because he was one of the earliest reformers. He thought the pope should _____________________ and also translated the Bible into _____________________________.
5.       ________________________ was from the Czech Republic and was against _________________________ and the _______________________. He was kidnapped and ___________________________________________.
6.       What were Luther’s main beliefs about the problems in the church? He wrote these complaints down in his _________________________. What did he do with them?
7.       Luther found a bible in ____________________________ and later translated it into ____________________.
8.       Why did Henry the VIII form the Church of England?
9.       Define Predestination.
10.   Who were the Anabaptists?

NOTEBOOK RUBRIC: (Total 75 points)

Formatting (Titles, ToC, Page # all updated)
Journals: at least 7 with complete 2-3 sentence entries per journal
Right Sides Completed with notes
Left Sides completed as assigned

Changes in Farming and Towns (no left sides)
Rebirth of Learning (LS: Flower Graph)
Medici and Florence (Guild Sign Rubric)
Arty Party (2 LS: Types of Art and Renaissance artist Greats -WORTH DOUBLE)
Arete: Becoming a Renaissance Person (LS: List of Renaissance Person Traits -4th and 5th ONLY)
Gutenberg and Writers (LS: Modern Vernacular activity - note: 2nd hour waived)
Luther and the Protestants (LS: Protestant Reformation Graphic)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Luther and the Protestants

Daily Objectives

To view the MME: click here


Main Idea:  One Catholic priest, Martin Luther, objected to things the church was doing and broke away, forming the first true Protestant church. His ideas spread through the _____________________and people started forming other _________________________.
·         Protestant:  group of ________________________ who have ________________________________________
·         ______________________________________________
·         Reformation:  a time when people tried to _____________________________________ Christianity.
·         Problems in the Catholic Church:
o   ___________________________________________ at all levels.
o   Indulgence:  a ticket to _____________________________________________________________________
§   Basically, ________________________________________________
·         John Wycliffe believed man could ______________________________________________God without the church.
o   John Wycliffe  was ____________________________________________________.
o    He was a college teacher, a theologian, and a reformer. 
o   He is often called the Morning Star of the Protestant Reformation because ______________________________________________________.
o     He thought that the pope should ________________________________________________________
o   _____________________________________..
o   Wycliffe is also important for being the first to translate the Bible ______________________________.
·         Jan Hus was from ____________________________________________and agreed with Wycliffe.
o   Hus was against __________________________________________,
o   And he was against ____________________________________________.
o   He was _________________________________________________________ for his beliefs.
·         Martin Luther, when training to be a priest, found ___________________________ and discovered that the ________________________________________________________to fit Catholic teaching.  This upset him.
·         Martin Luther nails ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________________________________ onto the church door at Wittenberg, starting the Protestant reformation.
o   95 Theses: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
·         Luther's main beliefs:
o   The ______________ is God's only ________________________________ , and it should be in the ___________________________________.
o   Salvation (getting to heaven) is only possible through ­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________.
o   All people are________________________________.  No priests _______________________________.
·         Luther has to escape to a castle in Saxony, where he translates the Bible into ____________________.  Many in Germany support him and Lutheranism spreads.
·         Henry VIII:   Breaks from the Catholic Church because the pope will not ________________________.  He forms the Church of ___________________.
·         Predestination:  _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
·         Anabaptists: _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
o   also believed the church and state should be totally separate.
o    Most of the Anabaptists were persecuted and died in prison.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Gutenburg and the Writers of the Renaissance

Welcome to the First Day of Block Scheduling!

Since we have two hours together, we're mixing two lessons into one. So, there are two main ideas, 10 WWK and... I know you're already grumbling. :)

Daily Objectives:

MAIN IDEA: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press which made books easy to print. Books and the ideas in them spread through Europe and got everyone thinking about different ideas.
  • Moveable Type:  invented in China, later came to Europe.  One block has a raised symbol on it that can be combined with others on a frame to create a page of text.  The symbol can then be reused on another page.
  • Printing Press:  1455, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, allowed for the quick spread of the written word and ideas.  Without the printing press, there could have been no renaissance or reformation.
  • By 1500, there were printing presses in 250 European cities, and in just 45 years, more than 9 million books had been printed.  Before, every book had to be printing by hand, one letter at a time.
  • Vernacular: written in the local language
  • Petrarch: father of humanism and poet who was Italian
  • Dante: wrote the Divine Comedy about a journey through the afterlife - Italian
  • Machiavelli: wrote The Prince about how rulers should be feared, not loved - Italian
  • Chaucer: wrote The Canterbury Tales about people on a pilgrimage - English
  • Cervantes: wrote Don Quixote about a man who thought he was a knight - Spanish
LEFT SIDE: activity on the vernacular - see me in class.

If you're gone, watch the video:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Arete: Becoming a Renaissance Person

Daily Objectives:

  • Quiz - moved due to number of absences
  • Journal (click here for journal)
  • MME and Notes 
  • MR. MORRIS TEACHING TODAY  - Mrs. Donnelly administering quiz!
If you are an Honors student: you need to see Mr. Morris about your writing assignment ASAP!!!

Main idea: A Renaissance man (or woman!) is some one who excels at all thins. Such a person is literally one in millions. However, that doesn't mean we can't all attempt to become one. 


Renaissance Man or Woman: a person who excels (does good at) all things.
Arete: (think back to first trimester) Greek belief in living up to one's full potential.
Ideal: (Plato's Allegory of the Cave) theory of forms. For everything on Earth, there is an ieal or perfect form. All others are reflections. 
Humanism: using reason, man can unlock the secrets of the universe.
Leonardo da Vinci: the ultimate Renaissance Man - good at everything.
Polymath: a person who knows many areas of knowledge and can combine these to solve difficult problems. Note: this is the original term for Renaissance man.

Watch these videos: 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Arty Party - Art in the Renaissance Day 1 and 2

Daily Objectives:
  • Journal (click here for journals)
  • Review for QUIZ ( TOMORROW! 4/18)
  • Notes and MME
  • Reminders:
    • Guild Sign due Fri (4/18)
Main idea: Renaissance Art was inspired by classical work. It was secular, used realism, and developed new techniques.

Words Worth Knowing

 Realism: art subject looks like it is "supposed to" or looks realistic - an apple looks like an apple
vanishing point: all parallel lines converge to a point in the distance
perspective: as things get farther away, they get smaller
Neo-classical: new style Greek or Roman

Left Side:
Foldable to compare Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance art. Print from here. MME is below.

DAY 2: many people were gone to the science fair. We looked at art and the four "Greats" who have been kind enough to share their names with the Ninja Turtles.

For the notes, print from here. There is no left side. You could even fit this folded accordian style on Arty Party Day 1 notes.

For the Renaissance MME from beginning to Arty Party days 1 and 2: click here.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Medici and Florence

Daily Objective:

·      Main Idea: The Medici family had power and money. Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, was their home. They helped the Renaissance spread by spending their wealth on art and architecture.

Words Worth Knowing
  • Medici: banking family that helped create the Renaissance by spending money on art and architecture - "mafia Medici"
  • Lorenzo the Magnificient: politician and patron of the Renaissance "greats" like da Vinci and Michaelangelo
  • Patron: wealthy person who supports the arts
  • Florence: place where the Renaissance started in Italy and home to Medici
Left side: Draw the growth of the Renaissance
Draw a flower growing out of soil with the sun shining. As a class, look at roots, sun, dirt, water – how can these symbolize Renaissance beginnings? Ideas: Roots = classical ideas dirt = schism war plague sun = humanism

If you were gone: 

Renaissance Intro

The Rebirth Learning: Intro to the Renaissance

Daily Objectives

  • No Left Side
  • No Journal
  • Donnelly Doings - pictures from my trip to present my research!
  • MME and NOTES:

o   Main Idea: Europe had changed forever from a feudal, uneducated society to a secular, nationalistic, humanistic society.
o   WWK:
§  Renaissance – means rebirth. Period when classical learning led to new ideas.
§  Secular – not religious
§  Humanism – the belief that a good, classical education can lead to limitless achievement; belief in humanity as good and individual
§  Italy – birthplace of the Renaissance because of wealthy merchants and trade
§  Fall of Constantinople (1453) – all of the classical learning kept in the East and Muslim innovations in math and science spread

GUILD SIGN RUBRIC: due Friday April 18

  • Cross bar
  • Hangers
  • Sign with no words (couldn't read them anyway!)
  • Neat
  • Color