Monday, February 3, 2014

Rise of the Franks and Charlemagne

Feb. 3 - 4

Rise of the Franks:

          Main ideas:

The Franks were a Germanic tribe that helped spread Christianity, saved Europe from the Muslims, and built a large empire.
Monasteries in Europe became more popular after St. Benedict wrote his Rules.
Words Worth Knowing

Franks – Germanic tribes that settled in France and united into one large kingdom.
Clovis – Frankish leader who converted to Christianity and made all Franks Christian.
Charles Martel – aka “THE HAMMER” Frankish leader who won against Muslim invaders at the Battle of Tours (732) and stopped the spread of Islam in Europe.
Monastery – a community of monks who have taken religious vows. Often lived in seclusion (apart from the world) and known for libraries and education. Women’s version is a nunnery.
       St. Benedict – wrote rules for monks that spread through Europe.

We went over an MME and did a left hand side foldable (if you missed, see me for handout.) We also worked on maps and did a notebook check.


Main ideas:
Charlemagne was the first western emperor since the fall of the Roman empire.
Charlemagne’s empire fell apart after his death and was divided by the Treaty of Verdun.
Words Worth Knowing
Pepin – aka “THE SHORT” Frankish leader who rescued the pope. The pope named him King of the Franks. (son of Charles Martel)
Carolingian – family line of Frankish Kings started by Pepin
Charlemagne – “THE GREAT” was named Holy Roman Emperor and was the greatest ruler of the Middle Ages.
Treaty of Verdun - Charlemagne's large kingdom divided three ways among his grandsons, who lose it.
For the review videos, we watched  this one and this one. NOTE: somewhat graphic. 
For the group DBQ and presentation make-up, see me in class.

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